Contact Details

How can we help you?

Non urgent:

Just use one of the order emails and use the reply function to get in touch with us.


You can call us on 0423-825-884 (Edward mobile). Please be aware that we are outdoor people and might not be in range. We will call back as soon as we see your missed call.

We don’t do sponsorships but Edward can direct you towards the right people to talk to.

Just use the contact form on the right.

If it isn’t visible in the shop it’s not available at the moment.

Please use the contact form on the right if you want to enquire about future stock options.

Best is to drop Edward a message on 0423-825-884 or ring him. He will get back to you as soon as he sees it and is in range (Edward’s often on Fraser Island)

Alternatively please use the contact form on the right.

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